Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Building the Local Church- part 9

   We continue our course on building the church, based on the proposition we develop a church the same way God forms a baby in the womb: He begins with the most vital organs and works His way outward. Today we look at church leadership. 1 Corinthians 12:28 tells us, "God has set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues."  Goverments here refers to administrators of the church, including the Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Council, and whatever other officers involved in planning, policy-making, overseeing, organizing, training, and reporting.
   If the helpers assist the Pastor with the "small stuff",  administrators assist with the "big stuff". Keeping track of income, expenses, and savings is easier now thanks to accounting apps available, but having someone on staff with a head for finances is a huge plus! As we mentioned in our piece on helps, the Pastor's time should be devoted to study, prayer, counselling and ministry as much as possible. If he can delegate authority and responsibility, he can focus on spiritual matters.
The Jethro Plan
   The Book of Exodus (18:14-23) relates the story of how Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, observed Moses' huge caseload. Concerned about burn-out, Jethro advised Moses to appoint 70 deputies to handle the simpler cases. No one can do everything himself, and Moses heeded his father-in-law's counsel. Jesus Himself followed this model, and in addition to the Twelve Apostles, appointed 70 others also. Pastors, delegate authority to your elders and deacons.
   If you don't have one, you should establish a Church Council composed of faithful, stable, and wise members. If you have a multi-ethnic congregation, be sure to represent each group. More eyes (and more viewpoints) make better decisions. 

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