The foundation of any work or ministry is prayer, and the footing of any church is its intercessors. Luke tells us of Anna the Prophetess, "Which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day." Anna was an intercessor. Prayer warriors like her love to dwell in the presence of God, and enter easily into true, deep worship. They have a sensitivity to the heart of God, and want nothing more than to see the Kingdom of God.
Your church needs, first and foremost a team of intercessors to lift up and cover the Pastors, to pray down God's will, and assault the strongholds of darkness. No doubt the Lord has already blessed you with two or three old gals like Anna dedicated to praying for you and your ministry- He's too faithful not to!
Identify and get to know the intercessors in your midst, and communicate freely the needs of the church, your vision for the ministry, and any direction you feel God is moving. If you don't have a set time for intercessory prayer, or an area designated for that purpose, get on that right away!
Paul told Timothy, "Do the work of an evangelist", but if you're the Pastor of a small church, you're probably doing all the other work as well! You can get so busy, too busy with everything else you have to do, what time do you have to get out there and evangelize? "How shall they hear without a preacher?" asks Paul. Sure, each believer needs to share his faith in his own way, but Christ has called and anointed dear servants with a passion for the lost, and a gift to reach them. "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers", Jesus taught.
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